Location Nottingham NG1 | ARB/RIBA courses BArch (Hons) Architecture, MArch Architecture, Architect Degree Apprenticeship Level 7 | Head of school Gavin Richards | Full-time tutors 13 | Part-time tutors 7 | Students 350 | Staff to student ratio 1:15 | Bursaries available No
Rosika Palmier-Szabo

Course BArch (Hons) Architecture
Studio/unit brief Learning Neighbourhoods: Knitting the City (Atelier 02)
Project title Discovery Nexus, School of Exploration
Project description The School of Exploration focuses on environmental and earth science through three core areas. ‘Snow’ investigates the cryosphere and its impact on global patterns; ‘sea’ explores marine ecosystems; and ‘space cosmos’ explores our understanding of planetary systems and cosmic influences on earth. The design of the school embodies fluidity and the interconnectedness of its key subject areas. It embraces biophilic design, incorporating natural elements to enhance wellbeing and productivity. Timber stressed-skin panels create organic forms. The project aims to allow students and visitors to explore environmental science on Earth and in the universe beyond.
Tutor citation Rosika has innovatively approached our brief, translating complex concepts into built form and achieving a coherent, workable, creative design. Holly Mills
Carsten Dengler

Course MArch Architecture
Studio/unit brief Museum: Everything that is not saved will be lost
Project title Bones of Venice
Project description This project envisions Venice as a museum city. Its survival rests on its ability to salvage artefacts from its past to allow its tourism industry to provide the funds needed to mitigate against the city’s natural entropy. Rising from the canal before the Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore, this proposed museum stands above the Venetian skyline as a reliquary of two delicate artefacts brought up from the lagoon. The two 13th century ships found at the site of the sunken island of San Marco in Boccalama are safely seconded within the great bastion. The building consists of a poche wall, which surrounds a courtyard in the style of a Venetian palazzo, and a layered façade of oxidised copper and steel.
Tutor citation This project acknowledges Venice’s unique heritage, unparalleled in being a testament to artistry and technical achievements. The proposal presents a unique vision to celebrate Venice’s urban heritage and identity. Kenneth Fraser