AJ Student Prize 2024: University of Nottingham

The two students selected for the AJ Student Prize by the Department of Architecture and Built Environment


Location Nottingham NG7 | ARB/RIBA courses BArch Architecture, MEng Architecture and Environmental Design, MArch Architecture, MArch Architecture with Collaborative Practice Research, Architect Degree Apprenticeship Level 7 | Head of school Lucelia Rodrigues | Full-time tutors 46 | Part-time tutors 19 | Students 940 | Staff to student ratio 1:14 | Bursaries available Yes


Maia Noglik

Course BArch Architecture
Studio/unit brief The Janus Condition (Unit 1B)
Project title
TRI: The Rodda Institute of Hydrology and Conservation

Project description This scheme regenerates a brownfield site on the River Avon in Bath to establish an educational quarter. The building is an Institute for Hydrology, Ecology and Wastewater Management, seeking to address environmental issues. It’s a fusion between education, culture and environmental change, promoting public awareness while restoring the health of the Avon. It proposes a spatial framework choreographed around two parallel planes enclosing a void focused on the river: the building is formed off the existing flood wall geometry and uses elevational treatment to break down harsh ‘barrier’ typologies. The scheme has a ‘zero-liquid discharge’ goal – wastewater is reused on site rather than being discharged. 

Tutor citation Maia’s project explores the themes of continuity and connectivity through a carefully calibrated intervention, suggesting a model for the reinvigoration of city centres. Jim Hutcheson


Ellie Thomas

Course MArch Architecture
Studio/unit brief Material Language (Studio 3)
Project title
Giving Visibility to a Hidden Community: A New Fashion Hub in the Heart of Bath

Project description This proposal transforms an underused, hidden courtyard in the centre of Bath’s Georgian blocks into an active part of the city. New buildings form spaces for activity and biodiversity, zoned by texture and materiality. The formal frontages of existing buildings are kept intact, while informal backs allow for purposeful amendments to improve connectivity. The proposal stitches a new fashion and design school, designed to Passivhaus principles, into the existing fabric. Enfilades run through the existing and new build elements to provide more flexible floor plates and new openings are punched in.

Tutor citation Ellie’s project is a beautiful, challenging and thought-provoking exploration of how to transform historic cities for a post-carbon future. Ellie has handled a challenging brief with maturity and a delightful sense of wit and joy. Graham Mateer, Kate Nicklin, Will Gottelier

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