
Exhibitions, events and books investigating architecture and culture, including the Venice Biennale and the London Festival of Architecture


Sketchbook: Anna Gibb

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by cartoonist and former Allies and Morrison associate Anna Gibb


Sketchbook: Katy Marks

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Katy Marks, a director of Citizens Design Bureau


Sketchbook: Oscar Mather

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Oscar Mather, an architect at Maccreanor Lavington, associate lecturer at Oxford Brookes and artist


Sketchbook: Gurmeet Sian

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Gurmeet Sian, director of Office Sian


Sketchbook: Matthew White

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Matthew White, director of MATT Architecture


Sketchbook: Ellie Hardie

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Ellie Hardie, a Part 1 architectural assistant at Levitt Bernstein


Sketchbook: Scott Hills

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Scott Hills, founding director of Wye Valley-based Hills + Co


Sketchbook: Jane Larmour

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Jane Larmour, a director of Belfast and Dublin-based Arigho Larmour Wheeler Architects


Sketchbook: Tim Bedingfield

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Tim Bedingfield, senior architect at Manea Kella


Sketchbook: Tim Bell

The AJ’s Sketchbook series is a showcase of sketches and concept drawings by architects and designers. Today’s sketches are by Tim Bell, co-founder of Bell Phillips Architects