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Free-to-attend half-day conference on daylight in architecture

Join us on 6 June 2024 for a free-to-attend half-day conference focused on daylighting in architecture, exploring the modelling and manipulation of natural light in interiors and its importance in making great spaces to inhabit

The free-to-attend event will include a series of presentations and a panel discussion bringing a series of different perspectives – from the technical to the sensory – on built space and natural light. The event will be followed by a networking lunch.

Speakers include: Richard Williams, senior architectural development manager at Velux, on the tools to bring more daylight into buildings; John Mardaljevic, professor emeritus at Loughborough School of Architecture presenting his landmark studies and latest research into daylight modelling and its importance for planning; and celebrated architectural photographer Hélène Binet, winner of the AJ/AR Ada Louise Huxtable Prize in 2019, talking about the central importance of daylight in her work, focusing particularly on photographing interior space.

Source:Hélène Binet

Therme Vals by Peter Zumthor, taken by photographer Hélène Binet

Three practitioners will also be presenting and discussing recent projects and the importance of natural light in animating architectural space. Mariia Pashenko of Pashenko Works will talk about the practice’s project White Patio House; and Satish Jassal of Satish Jassal Architects will discuss Haringey Brick Bungalow – both AJ Small Projects-shortlisted schemes – while Tom Benton of Sanchez Benton will talk about the practice’s recent refresh of the Institute of Contemporary Art in London.


We look forward to welcoming you for a series of fascinating perspectives and insights on ‘building with light’. Reserve your complimentary place below.

Where Spitalfields Conservatory - FORA-Folgate Street
When 9am-1pm, 6 June 2024
Book Here

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